Project Overview

The Client’s terminal was experiencing lifting of their ammonia transfer pumps due to frost heaving. The Client engaged Rally Engineering Inc. (Rally) to complete a study on the system.

Ammonia Transfer Pumps main Ammonia Transfer Pumps first Ammonia Transfer Pumps second

Scope of Work

Heaving was causing significant stress on the piping system which had been somewhat mitigated by hose connections, causing greater stress than the hose spec allows.
The Client had a design to pin down the pumps with piles, however the field was unable to install due to an ice ball surrounding the pumps. Rally was engaged to investigate a potential solution(s) to solve this issue. Based on the information known and experience with the Client site, Rally believed that installing new pumps directly north of the existing pumps and tying this system into the existing system during seasonal off time was likely the best overall solution, however an engineering design basis had not been developed.


Rally provided the Client with a design basis memorandum (DBM) developing the above solution and ensured there were no other more economically viable options.

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